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Corporate Social Responsibility

State of Art highly values Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We focus on making a positive contribution to society, both in the Netherlands and Belgium and in countries where our clothing is produced. We have been working closely with our suppliers and subcontractors for more than 15 years and together, we have formed partnerships to safeguard the quality and sustainability of our garments, and because we are fully aware of the working conditions in those countries For this reason, we regularly visit our suppliers to monitor their operations.

Code of Conduct

State of Art has drawn up its own code of conduct that suppliers are expected to comply with. Our code of conduct comprises certain matters that should ensure our suppliers are aware of social responsibility, environmental responsibility, health issues and quality management. Some examples of these aspects included in the code of conduct:

  • Suppliers must not be associated with forced labour or labour involving physical or mental abuse or any form of punishment (ILO Conventions 29 and 105).

  • Suppliers must ensure that the statutory maximum number of normal working hours or overtime - as stipulated locally - is not exceeded. Overtime must be voluntary and must not amount to more than 12 hours per week.

  • Suppliers must offer a safe work environment, free from environmental pollution and with a positive social environment for all parties involved.

The code of conduct demands full cooperation from our suppliers and provides us with insight into the extent of their commitment to social issues, environmentally friendly operations and quality management. Because we visit our suppliers at least once a year, we can monitor compliance with this code of conduct.


Our suppliers are located in Turkey, China, India, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Italy, Peru, Bangladesh and Vietnam. We have been working closely with these suppliers for more than 15 years. They are audited by independent organisations frequently;
State of Art manages the audit reports and certificates of all its suppliers (including BSCI, WRAP, GOTS, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, etc.).

For example, State of Art has had a working relationship with Franky and Ricky S.A. in Peru for more than 20 years. Franky and Ricky S.A. took part in the Social Innovation programme from Solidaridad and they are ISO 9001, SA 8000 and BASC certified.


Our tanning operator Donders BV works with three environmentally friendly methods:

  • Chrome tanning: the oxidisation of the chrome (from Cr3 to Cr6) is prevented.
  • Vegetable tanning: only natural substances are used in the tanning process.
  • Synthetic tanning: low water consumption and no issues using chrome.


The State of Art suppliers and subsuppliers are working in accordance with the requirements on the restricted substances list (pursuant to the European Union REACH regulations (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of chemical substances)) in its most recent version. What’s more, the State of Art suppliers and subsuppliers must also comply with the recommendations for the MODINT restricted substances list (Dutch industry organisation for clothing and textiles) its most recent version.


Energy reduction and eco-friendliness are priorities for State of Art. More than 90% of our State of Art Stores are fitted entirely with LED lighting. In addition, the head office in Lichtenvoorde runs on 95% LED lighting and boasts 221 solar panels.

Logistics and distribution

Our logistics partner DHL is Exel Supply Chain ISO 14001 certified, which means the way they work is environmentally aware. They have also adopted three themes - GoGreen, GoHelp and GoTeach - for taking responsibility when it comes to personnel, society and the environment. DHL has an objective that would see the company achieve zero emissions by 2050.

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